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Steglinge Logar, April 25, 1936
Steglinge Gård, before the fire (2011)
Steglinge Gård, after the fire (2019)

With origins
from the 30s

Steglinge's history goes back to the 1930s. During the war, chicory was grown here, which was then used as a substitute for coffee and there was a close collaboration with Marabou, which at that time owned Findus. Steglinge also delivered dried packaged fruit in those times before the refrigerator made its entrance into our homes and there were also animal husbandry in various forms on the farm.

The Gibrand family came to Steglinge in the 1960s. Before the family started renting the farm, it was a so-called company farm that belonged to Höganäsbolaget. The farm was leased until 1987 when it was bought. Early on, the cowsheds were converted into cold stores, and the business was reoriented towards vegetables. The main vegetables were carrots, potatoes, beets, cabbage and yellow onions.

When Göran Gibrand took over the business in the early 1990s, a gradual transition to selling increasingly processed and refined greens and vegetables occurred. At first, only home-grown vegetables were packaged, but soon Steglinge were packing for other growers in the Kulla region. This was something that appealed to wholesalers, who got a supplier that offered a large range with consistently high quality. Over time, Steglinge developed partnerships with growers from neighboring regions, and eventually also with an import range, and the business could develop with a year-round range.

Burned almost to the ground - rose from the ashes

In 2012, the business was hit by a fire that caused great devastation and almost the entire farm burned to the ground. What had been built up over generations went up in smoke and the time that followed was difficult and uncertain. After extensive renovation work, the new and refined Steglinge rose from the ashes with state-of-the-art premises and was able to continue the journey of developing its business. Today, the business is still run by the Gibrand family, where Göran is still the owner and Gustav, a third-generation farmer, works as CEO.

Family-owned for three generations

"When the food is on the table, we want to know where it comes from and that everything is grown and produced in a responsible and sustainable way. Security, trust and expectations are the cornerstones of our business at Steglinge. Our customers should be able to trust us and feel safe in what they put in their mouths, but our values are multifaceted and apply not only to our raw materials. They permeate everything we do."

Göran Gibrand, farmer and owner