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We are now harvesting the Swedish beetroots that have grown during the spring. The picture is taken from one of our fields on the outskirts of Höganäs.

Steglinge has historically been a major player in the beet market with early, durable and sustainable harvests. This year is no exception. From our production facility, we pack and process beets for many of the major players in the market. We are particularly good at processing, where we wash, peel, pick, pre-cook and cut the beets into different types of cuts for different categories and needs. Our beetroot products end up in grocery stores, institutional kitchens, restaurants and events throughout Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

We have started delivering loose, packed and processed beets and soon the beets will also be ready for our pre-cooking plant. Our pre-cooked beets are a market favorite and they taste delicious.

Contact us if you want to know more about Swedish beetroot or if you want to become our customer.